Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Avactis: A Powerful PHP Shopping Cart Software

Avactis is a powerful PHP shopping cart application that has multiple versions (including free + open source) and impressive features. It has everything and more to expect from an e-commerce tool on every level from product to member managements, orders and marketing.

The application is very flexible in creating any type of promotions like discount codes, price-based or quantity discounts discounts, built-in affiliate system, newsletter management and more.

SEO is taken care of -mostly- automatically with SEO-friendly URLs, optimized HTML code or breadcrumb navigation and more can be done with the help of custom meta information and titles.

Avactis works with almost every popular payment processor including PayPal, Google Checkout, and much more. Simply, Avactis is a complete software for creating and managing an online store. And, besides the paid ones, it also has a free version.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Joomla! 1.6 provides MORE for all types of users


Your favorite free & open source CMS,
now with MORE:

ACL, SEO, Speed, Power, Control, Options

Joomla 1.6 includes the same user-friendly features, but packs more power under the hood. Plenty of power, effortless to use. That’s Joomla!


What's new in 1.6

Nested categories, ACL, improved language support & SEO, built-in redirects, template styles, & much more. New features for designers, developers, admins, and webmasters, certain to make you happy!

codeigniter Upgrading from 1.7.2 to 1.7.3 fixed CSV file uploading problem

Version 1.7.3 is a security maintenance release, including a previously patched file Upload class, and a new security fix to prevent possible directory traversal in certain circumstances (back ported from a fix made to CodeIgniter 2.0 at BitBucket).  There are no other significant changes.

  • Before performing an update you should take your site offline by replacing the index.php file with a static one.
  • Step 1: Update your CodeIgniter files

    Replace these files and directories in your "system" folder with the new versions:
  • system/codeigniter
  • system/database
  • system/helpers
  • system/language
  • system/libraries
Note: If you have any custom developed files in these folders please make copies of them first.

     Step 2: Update your user guide

Please replace your local copy of the user guide with the new version, including the image files.

Sending e-mail from localhost in PHP in Wamp Server

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Error: installing Joomla 1.5 or joomla 1.6 on WAMPServer

before install the joomla  you have to modify joomla.sql file 

rather it uses

Modify the joomla.sql file in the "installation" folder and replace TYPE with ENGINE.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

How to setup Yii Framework on WAMP using MySQL database


Here are some of the basic requirement for this tutorial.

1. Window XP (Vista and Win 7 will also work)
2. Yii Framework 1.1.3
3. WAMP 2.0i (Apache 2.2.11, PHP 5.3.0, MySQL 5.1.36, Phpmyadmin)
4. Basic installation of WAMP (C:\\wamp\…)

Setting up yiic on WAMP

Firstly install your WAMP with the default installation.

How to setup Yii Framework on WAMP using MySQL database

Once you have installed this, you should be ready to setup your computer local environment to use Yiic from Yii framework. Firstly, go to your environment variables located at Control Panel->System->Advance->Environment Variables->Path as shown below,

How to setup Yii Framework on WAMP using MySQL database

Once you reached the path textbox, entered the following location to tell your windows that they are the environment variables.

1. C:\wamp\www\yii\framework
2. C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.0

In this case, we are telling our window where is our yii framework yiic.bat and where is our php.exe as shown below,

How to setup Yii Framework on WAMP using MySQL database

since my WAMP is using php5.3.0, the folder shows the current version my WAMP is using. This might differ. Hence, change the directory path according to the php version you use. On the other hand, my yiic.bat is located at C:\wamp\www\yii\framework as shown below, hence, i pass this to the environment variable instead.

How to setup Yii Framework on WAMP using MySQL database

Click ‘OK’ for all the settings you have made and restart you PC. Once your windows has rebooted, click start->run.. and type ‘cmd’. On the screen type “yiic webapp C:\\wamp\www\mywebsite” andtype ‘yes”. The folder should show up on your localhost.

How to setup Yii Framework on WAMP using MySQL databasemywebsite
How to setup Yii Framework on WAMP using MySQL database

Now you need to change your setting from sqllite3 to MySQL.
This is located at C:\wamp\www\mywebsite\protected\config\main.php, open this file and replace the codes with the following.
'name'=>'My Web Application',

// preloading 'log' component

// autoloading model and component classes

// application components
// enable cookie-based authentication
// uncomment the following to enable URLs in path-format
'connectionString' => 'mysql',
// uncomment the following to use a MySQL database

'connectionString' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=yourdatabasename',
'emulatePrepare' => true,
'username' => 'root',
'password' => '',
'charset' => 'utf8',

// use 'site/error' action to display errors
'levels'=>'error, warning',
// uncomment the following to show log messages on web pages

// application-level parameters that can be accessed
// using Yii::app()->params['paramName']
// this is used in contact page

Change ‘yourdatabasename’ in the text above to your database name and you’r done!

Friday, January 7, 2011

CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework with a very small footprint, built for PHP coders who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications. If you're a developer who lives in the real world of shared hosting accounts and clients with deadlines, and if you're tired of ponderously large and thoroughly undocumented frameworks

CodeIgniter is right for you if...

  • You want a framework with a small footprint.
  • You need exceptional performance.
  • You need broad compatibility with standard hosting accounts that run a variety of PHP versions and configurations.
  • You want a framework that requires nearly zero configuration.
  • You want a framework that does not require you to use the command line.
  • You want a framework that does not require you to adhere to restrictive coding rules.
  • You are not interested in large-scale monolithic libraries like PEAR.
  • You do not want to be forced to learn a templating language (although a template parser is optionally available if you desire one).
  • You eschew complexity, favoring simple solutions.
  • You need clear, thorough documentation.


Zend PHP Framework

ending the art & spirit of PHP, Zend Framework is based on simplicity, object-oriented best practices, corporate friendly licensing, and a rigorously tested agile codebase. Zend Framework is focused on building more secure, reliable, and modern Web 2.0 applications & web services, and consuming widely available APIs from leading vendors like Google, Amazon, Yahoo!, Flickr, as well as API providers and cataloguers like StrikeIron and ProgrammableWeb.

Expanding on these core themes, we have implemented Zend Framework to embody extreme simplicity & productivity, the latest Web 2.0 features, simple corporate-friendly licensing, and an agile well-tested code base that your enterprise can depend upon.

Extreme Simplicity & Productivity

We designed Zend Framework with simplicity in mind. To provide a lightweight, loosely-coupled component library simplified to provide 4/5s of the functionality everyone needs and that lets you customize the other 20% to meet your specific business needs. By focusing on the most commonly needed functionality, we retain the simplified spirit of PHP programming, dramatically lower the learning curve, and your training costs – so developers get up-to-speed quickly. We do this with:
  • An extensible and well-tested code base – easy to augment
  • A flexible architecture – not locked-in to a rigid application structure
  • No configuration files necessary to get up and running – or when maintaining and deploying your apps

CakePHP PHP Fremework


Symfony PHP Framework

Symfony is a full-stack framework, a library of cohesive classes written in PHP.
It provides an architecture, components and tools for developers to build complex web applications faster. Choosing symfony allows you to release your applications earlier, host and scale them without problem, and maintain them over time with no surprise.
Symfony is based on experience. It does not reinvent the wheel: it uses most of the best practices of web development and integrates some great third-party libraries.
Thousands of developers already trust symfony for their applications!
New users join the community every day, and that makes of symfony the most popular PHP framework around. A large community means easy-to-find support, user-contributed documentation, plugins, and free applications.


PHPDevShell PHP Framework

PHPDevShell, what's this?

a Highly modular plugin based Code Management System and Framework. PHPDevShell can offer you immediate general used functionality with a user interface for your next project.
  • Easy plugin based projects, Full MVC or Not, really up to you.
  • Extend existing projects on PHPDevShell with ease.
  • Extremely powerful skinning, theming and structuring.

Long Term Support

Many frameworks seem to disregard backwards compatibility for 3rd party plugins. With our unique backwards compatibility system we attempt to provide long term support for plugins. Meaning, a plugin that was released a few years ago must still work with the same code on the latest phpds version.

Easy Learning Curve

One of the biggest stepping stones when starting off with a new framework is learning how to use its methods. In phpds, once you have created your menu pointing to your script you can really just write pure PHP code. This allows you to slowly adapt phpds helper classes as you progress with your future application. READ MORE

5 minutes tutorial

One of the biggest stepping stones when starting off with a new framework is learning how to use its methods. In phpds, once you have created your menu pointing to your script you can really just write pure PHP code. This allows you to slowly adapt phpds helper classes as you progress with your future application. READ MORE


The first place to look is, the FAQ. For basic questions mailing list or forums.. For priority questions LP answers (preferably after starting a discussion on the mailing list or forums linked above). For bug reports, or development discussion blueprints and the translations. For our IRC channel use

PRADO PHP Framework

PRADOTM is a component-based and event-driven programming framework for developing Web applications in PHP 5. PRADO stands for PHP Rapid Application Development Object-oriented.

What does PRADO require?

The sole requirement to run PRADO-based applications is a Web server supporting PHP 5.1.0 or higher. PRADO is free. You can use it to develop either open source or commercial applications.


QPHP PHP frameworks

QPHP is an event-driven(EDP), component-based web framework similar as architecture to ASP.NET. It is a tool, which will help you to build any php-based website in a very very easy, fast, reliable, safe and well-organized way. It comes with 40+ components, 70+ demos and many tutorials. The framework has very short learning curve, so anyone can start using it efficiently in less than 3 hours.

QPHP is influenced by other PHP frameworks, Java-based ones and mostly by ASP.NET and Borland Delphi. It tries to get the best of the above platforms as well as to avoid some problematic parts. Basically it:
  • Brings the elegance of Java and C#
  • Drops all Perl-like bizzare statements, which other PHP frameworks use
  • Relies extensively on OOP concepts
  • It's not only for hardcore PHP developers, you can use with very little knowledge in PHP
  • Provides extremely easy way(Widget API) to integrate 1000s of free widgets
Code-behind approach is used, so every webpage consists of 2 files:
  • .PHP - presentation logic
  • .PHP.SCRIPT - business/programming logic 


Zoop PHP Framework

Zoop is a recursive acronym which stands for Zoop Object Oriented PHP Framework.
The Zoop Framework is stable, scalable, and portable. Far from being Yet Another PHP Framework or Rails clone, it's been in development since 2001 and in production use for the last 6 years in a number of different environments. It's designed to be fast, efficient, modular, and extensible. Although it predates the recent proliferation of PHP MVC frameworks, it not only supports but encourages separation of display, logic and data layers.
With Zoop an inexperienced coder can make secure web applications quickly. More experienced coders will appreciate the design and flexibility. Both will benefit from the shortcuts it provides to handle common and mundane tasks.
Zoop's integrated error handling can be configured to log errors for production environments, and is highly informative and readable which makes bugs easy to find and squash.
The Zoop Framework is inclusive, cooperating with and containing components integrated from some existing projects including Smarty, the Prototype JS Framework, and a number of Pear Modules. We're not content just to cobble pieces together, however -- for example, we've combined the above into an implementation that brings GuiControls to PHP, providing developers with easy access to rich form widgets with client-side validation completely integrated. We're also working to include support for pieces from some of the latest and greatest PHP and Javascript projects, including the Zend Framework, PHP Doctrine, and jQuery, among others.

Zoop features:

  1. A well-organized, fully-featured front controller.
  2. A Smarty based view layer, enhanced with form generation and rich UI controls.
  3. Several integrated data model access styles.
  4. Automation of common mundane tasks.
  5. Great native libraries and friendly integration with many third-party projects.

Yii PHP Framework

The Fast, Secure and Professional PHP Framework

Yii is a high-performance PHP framework best for developing Web 2.0 applications.

Yii comes with rich features: MVC, DAO/ActiveRecord, I18N/L10N, caching, authentication and role-based access control, scaffolding, testing, etc. It can reduce your development time significantly.



Yii only loads the features that you need. It has powerful caching support. It is explicitly designed to work efficiently with AJAX.


Security comes as standard with Yii. It includes input validation, output filtering, SQL injection and Cross-site scripting prevention.


Yii helps you develop clean and reusable code. It follows the MVC pattern, ensuring a clear separation of logic and presentation.

The Akelos PHP Framework

The Akelos PHP Framework is a web application development platform based on the MVC (Model View Controller) design pattern. Based on good practices, it allows you to:
  • Write views using Ajax easily
  • Control requests and responses through a controller
  • Manage internationalized applications
  • Communicate models and the database using simple conventions.
Your Akelos based applications can run on most shared hosting service providers since Akelos only requires that PHP be available at the server. This means that the Akelos PHP Framework is the ideal candidate for distributing standalone web applications as it does not require any non-standard PHP configuration to run.
download here 

Who can benefit from the Akelos PHP Framework?

  • Web developers writing database applications using PHP.
  • PHP developers who want a more enjoyable experience writing applications.
  • Ruby developers that need to code in PHP and want an easier and more enjoyable way to do so.
  • Companies and developers looking to sell or distribute their applications without requiring special deployment configurations.
  • Developers looking to develop multilingual applications for localized markets.
  • Development teams that require a method with a few simple conventions to ensure that team members will understand the work done by their peers.
Being a Ruby on Rails port to PHP, Akelos is also designed to make developers lives simpler by resolving complex problems with unusual speed and productivity.
Favoring "convention over configuration" leads to the creation of uniform and simpler-to-understand code.
If you want to know more about the Akelos PHP Framework, why not view the video "Creating a Blog in 20 minutes" video?